Zip Code:

90720, Los Alamitos, CA

90720 is a California Zip code within the city of Los Alamitos and the county of Orange County. Its population is roughly 22,261.

The Real Estate Market in the 90720 Zip Code of Los Alamitos, CA

The Los Alamitos zip code, 90720, has a population of around 30,000 and a median household income of $84,000. The home equity in this zip code is around $1.2 billion, which is significantly higher than the national average of $142,000. The home prices in this zip code are also significantly higher than the national average of $225,000.

One reason for the high home equity and home prices in this zip code is that it is located in a desirable area with plenty of amenities and opportunities. The city of Los Alamitos is known for its beautiful beaches and golf courses as well as its thriving business community. Additionally, the zip code has access to excellent public schools and ample recreational opportunities.

Another factor contributing to the high home equity and home prices in this zip code is the strong economy. Since 2007, when the housing market crashed, businesses have been investing heavily in Los Alamitos and the surrounding areas, which has led to an increase in job opportunities and wages. As a result, more people are able to afford homes here than would be possible if the economy were not so strong.

Overall, it appears that there are many reasons why the home equity and home prices in this particular zip code are high compared to other areas across America. While there may be some risks associated with buying or owning a property here (e.g., rising interest rates), overall it appears that homeownership remains an attractive option for those who can afford it

Price Index: Anaheim-Santa Ana-Irvine, CA (MSAD)

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