Zip Code:

91040, Sunland, CA

91040 is a California Zip code within the city of Sunland and the county of Los Angeles County. Its population is roughly 20,049.

The Real Estate Market in Sunland, CA

The 91040 zip code of Sunland, CA has a median home value of $245,000 and a median home equity value of $112,500. The average home size in this zip code is 2,812 square feet. Approximately 44% of homes in this zip code are owner-occupied while 56% are occupied by renters. The median household income in this zip code is $92,000 which is higher than the California statewide median household income of $60,593.

The average price per square foot for homes in the 91040 zip code is $128 which is higher than the California statewide average price per square foot of $119. This indicates that homes in this zip code are more expensive than homes in the state as a whole. Additionally, there are more expensive homes available in this zip code than there are cheaper homes. This may be due to the high concentration of wealthy residents or because there are more luxury options available to buyers in this area.

Price Index: Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA (MSAD)

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