Zip Code:

91711, Claremont, CA

91711 is a California Zip code within the city of Claremont and the county of Los Angeles County. Its population is roughly 36,777.

The Real Estate Market in Claremont, CA

The Claremont, CA 91711 zip code has a population of approximately 47,000 people. Home prices in the Claremont area have been on the rise for the past few years and are now among some of the highest in the country. In fact, according to Zillow, as of September 2018, home values in Claremont were $1.2 million on average. This makes it one of the most expensive zip codes in California and one of the most expensive in America.

There are a number of reasons why home prices have increased so much in Claremont over the past few years. First and foremost, there is an abundance of luxury homes available for sale in this area. Many wealthy individuals and families have chosen to move to Claremont over other areas because it offers a high quality of life with plenty of amenities and conveniences. Additionally, Claremont is located close to both Los Angeles and San Francisco which makes it an attractive location for people who want to be able to access major metropolitan areas quickly.

Despite these positive factors, there are also some potential risks associated with buying or owning a home in Claremont. For example, if interest rates increase significantly from their current levels or if there is another economic recession that hits California particularly hard, then home values could decline rapidly. Additionally, although Claremont is generally considered to be a safe community overall, there have been reports recently of crime increasing significantly within certain parts of town. If you are considering buying or owning a home in this area be sure to do your research carefully before making any decisions!

Price Index: Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA (MSAD)

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