Zip Code:

91733, South El Monte, CA

91733 is a California Zip code within the city of South El Monte and the county of Los Angeles County. Its population is roughly 45,365.

The Real Estate Market in the 91733 Zip Code of South El Monte, CA

The 91733 zip code of South El Monte, CA has a median home value of $191,000 and a median home equity value of $137,000. The average home size in this zip code is 2,811 square feet. This zip code has a lower than average percentage of homes with mortgages at 68%. The percentage of homes with mortgages is higher than the national average but lower than the California state average. The percentage of homes without mortgages is also lower than the national average but higher than the California state average.

The median household income in this zip code is $50,000 which is lower than the California state median household income ($60,000) but higher than the national median household income ($47,500). The percentage of households earning less than $25,000 per year is also higher than the California state percentage (24%) but lower than the national percentage (29%).

The unemployment rate in this zip code is 5% which is lower than both the California statewide unemployment rate (7%) and the national unemployment rate (6%). The poverty rate in this zip code is 10% which is slightly higherthan boththe California statewide poverty rate (9%) andthe national poverty rate (9%).

There are a number of factors that may contribute to why there are differences between these statistics for South El Monte compared to other areas within Los Angeles County or across America as a whole. These include variations in population density and demographics as well as economic conditions specific to each area. However, one key factor that may influence all these statistics would be housing prices and home equity values. In general, areas with high housing prices and high levels of home equity tend to have wealthier populations overall. This can be seen by looking at both individual incomes as well as percentages of households earning different amounts relative to expenses such as housing costs. Additionally, areas with more expensive housing typically have more people who can afford larger homes - meaning they're not limited by space - which can lead to increased demand for properties in those areas even if they don't have an increased salary due to greater job opportunities or other reasons.

Price Index: Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA (MSAD)

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