Zip Code:

91767, Pomona, CA

91767 is a California Zip code within the city of Pomona and the county of Los Angeles County. Its population is roughly 50,606.

The Real Estate Market in the 91767 Zip Code of Pomona, CA

The Pomona, CA 91767 zip code has a population of around 210,000 people and is located in the Inland Empire region of Southern California. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years, reaching a median price of $468,500 as of September 2017. This increase in home prices has been driven by strong demand from both buyers and sellers alike.

There are many factors that contribute to the high demand for homes in the Pomona, CA 91767 zip code. One reason is that this area is rapidly growing and becoming more popular with families who are looking for suburban living without having to deal with heavy traffic congestion. Additionally, the area is well-connected to major transportation hubs such as Los Angeles and Orange County which makes it easy for people to get around.

Another factor that contributes to the high demand for homes in the Pomona, CA 91767 zip code is the low unemployment rate. As of September 2017, unemployment was only 3% which means that there are plenty of potential buyers who are looking for a stable investment opportunity. Furthermore, many people who live in this area commute into downtown Los Angeles or Orange County which adds to the demand for housing near these major metropolitan areas.

Despite these positive factors, there are also some challenges that face buyers in the Pomona, CA 91767 zip code when it comes to finding affordable homes. One issue is that home prices have risen significantly faster than incomes over recent years which means that many people who want to buy a home have difficulty doing so on their own income alone. Additionally, there is a limited number of available properties on the market which means that competition among buyers can be fierce.

Price Index: Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA (MSAD)

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