Zip Code:

92007, Cardiff By The Sea, CA

92007 is a California Zip code within the city of Cardiff By The Sea and the county of San Diego County. Its population is roughly 11,417.

The Real Estate Market in the 92007 Zip Code of Cardiff By The Sea, CA.

The Cardiff By The Sea, CA 92007 zip code has a population of approximately 10,000 people. Home prices in this zip code have increased by an average of 6% over the past year. This is due to the strong economy and low interest rates. The median home price in this zip code is $525,000.

The Cardiff By The Sea, CA 92007 zip code has a high percentage of owner-occupied homes. This is likely due to the strong economy and low interest rates. There are also a high number of homebuyers in this area. This indicates that there are plenty of opportunities for home buyers in this area.

The Cardiff By The Sea, CA 92007 zip code has a low percentage of rental homes. This is likely due to the strong economy and low interest rates. There are also a high number of homebuyers in this area. This indicates that there are plenty of opportunities for home buyers in this area.

Price Index: San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA

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