Zip Code:

92024, Encinitas, CA

92024 is a California Zip code within the city of Encinitas and the county of San Diego County. Its population is roughly 51,381.

The Real Estate Market in Encinitas, CA

The 92024 zip code of Encinitas, CA has a median home value of $1,049,000 and a median home equity value of $369,000. These values are higher than the statewide median home value of $549,000 and the national median home equity value of $269,200. The 92024 zip code is also higher than the statewide median home value and the national median home equity value by a significant margin.

One reason for this high level of home values in the 92024 zip code is that Encinitas is a highly desirable location. The city has a population of just over 100,000 people and is located just north of San Diego on California's Pacific Coast. There are many affluent residents in Encinitas who are willing to pay high prices for homes because they believe that it will continue to be an attractive place to live in the future.

Another factor contributing to high levels of home values in the 92024 zip code is that there are relatively few homes available for sale compared to other areas of California. This shortage has led to increased demand and increased prices for homes in this area. In addition, Encinitas is not known for having a lot of crime or poor public schools so buyers feel more comfortable investing money into property here rather than elsewhere in California.

Price Index: San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA

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