Zip Code:

92105, San Diego, CA

92105 is a California Zip code within the city of San Diego and the county of San Diego County. Its population is roughly 73,623.

The Real Estate Market in the 92105 Zip Code of San Diego, CA

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 92105 Zip Code of San Diego, CA

The 92105 zip code of San Diego, CA has a median home value of $269,000. This is a decrease from the previous year when the median home value was $282,000. The decrease in home values may be due to a number of factors including lower demand for homes in this area as well as increased competition from other areas within the county and across the country.

Despite this decrease in home values, there are still many homeowners who are able to benefit from their equity in their homes. For those who are not able to sell their homes or who would like to take advantage of current market conditions, there are various ways that they can use their equity to finance various types of purchases or investments.

Overall, it is important for homeowners in the 92105 zip code to stay up-to-date on current market conditions and make sure that they are taking all possible measures to protect their equity in their homes.

Price Index: San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA

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