Zip Code:

92398, Yermo, CA

92398 is a California Zip code within the city of Yermo and the county of San Bernardino County. Its population is roughly 2,195.

The Real Estate Market in the 92398 Zip Code of Yermo, CA

The 92398 zip code of Yermo, California is located in the San Joaquin Valley and has a population of approximately 10,000. The median household income in this zip code is $48,000 and the median home value is $151,000. Home equity in this zip code has increased by over 50% since 2007 and home prices have increased by over 30%.

One reason for the increase in home equity in this zip code is that there are a high number of families with children who are able to purchase homes due to low interest rates. Additionally, there is a high demand for housing due to the strong economy and limited supply. This combination has resulted in an increase in home prices and home equity.

Another factor contributing to the increase in home values is that Yermo was designated as a “smart growth” community by the County of San Joaquin. This designation means that new development will be focused on preserving open space and reducing congestion. As a result, there are currently few available homes for sale compared to other areas of the county. This situation will likely continue as new development projects are approved and fewer homes become available for sale on the market.

Price Index: Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA

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