Zip Code:

92411, San Bernardino, CA

92411 is a California Zip code within the city of San Bernardino and the county of San Bernardino County. Its population is roughly 25,650.

The Real Estate Market in the 92411 Zip Code of San Bernardino, CA

The San Bernardino zip code of 92411 has a median home value of $269,000 and a median home equity value of $128,000. These values are higher than the California statewide median home value of $217,500 and the national median home equity value of $146,200.

The high home values in the 92411 zip code may be due to several factors. First, the area is located in Southern California which is known for its high housing prices. Second, there are many affluent families living in the zip code which may have increased their homes' values. Finally, there is a limited number of homes available for sale in the area which may also contribute to high prices.

Despite the high prices in the 92411 zip code, it is still an affordable place to live compared to other areas in California and nationwide. The average monthly mortgage payment for a house in this zip code is $1,521 which is lower than the statewide average mortgage payment of $1,715 and the national average mortgage payment of $1,890.

Price Index: Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA

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