Zip Code:

92625, Corona Del Mar, CA

92625 is a California Zip code within the city of Corona Del Mar and the county of Orange County. Its population is roughly 12,394.

The Real Estate Market in Corona Del Mar, CA

The home equity and home prices in the 92625 zip code of Corona Del Mar, CA are quite high. The median home value in this zip code is $1,025,000, which is considerably higher than the statewide median home value of $476,500. Additionally, the percentage of homes in this zip code that are valued at over $1 million is significantly higher than the statewide percentage of homes that are valued at over $1 million. This indicates that there is a high demand for properties in this zip code that are priced at or above the statewide median.

One potential explanation for why there is such a high demand for properties in this zip code is that it is located within close proximity to some of Orange County's most affluent neighborhoods. These neighborhoods include Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, and Dana Point. As a result, many people who live in this area may want to purchase a property to invest in or to use as their primary residence. Additionally, many people who live in this area may be able to afford to purchase a property even if they do not have access to traditional financing options such as mortgages or loan products from banks. This indicates that there may be an increased demand for housing units within this zip code due to factors such as increasing income levels and rising prices relative to other areas across California.

Price Index: Anaheim-Santa Ana-Irvine, CA (MSAD)

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