Zip Code:

92782, Tustin, CA

92782 is a California Zip code within the city of Tustin and the county of Orange County. Its population is roughly 23,084.

The Real Estate Market in the 92782 Zip Code of Tustin, CA

The 92782 zip code of Tustin, CA has a median home value of $269,000 and a median home equity value of $146,000. The average home price in the 92782 zip code has increased by 5.5% over the past year and is projected to increase by another 5.8% in the next year. The average home equity value in the 92782 zip code is higher than the statewide average of $142,500 and higher than the national average of $130,800.

The high home values in the 92782 zip code are likely due to several factors including:

-The population density in Tustin is above state and national averages which contributes to increased demand for housing;

- Tustin is located within Orange County which has one of the highest incomes per capita in California;

-There are a number of affluent neighborhoods within Tustin including Newport Coast, Irvine Ranch, Villa Park and Saddleback Hills;

- Tustin has excellent schools with many families choosing to live there because they believe it offers their children an excellent education.

Price Index: Anaheim-Santa Ana-Irvine, CA (MSAD)

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