Zip Code:

93021, Moorpark, CA

93021 is a California Zip code within the city of Moorpark and the county of Ventura County. Its population is roughly 38,581.

The Real Estate Market in Moorpark, CA

The Moorpark, CA 93021 zip code has a population of around 97,000 people and is located in Ventura County. The median home value in the Moorpark zip code is $1,049,000 which is significantly higher than the California statewide median home value of $478,500. The average home equity loan-to-value ratio in the Moorpark zip code is 83%, which is significantly higher than the statewide average of 62%. Additionally, the percentage of homes with a mortgage in the Moorpark zip code is lower than both the statewide and national averages.

There are several factors that may contribute to why homes in the Moorpark zip code are more expensive than homes elsewhere in California. First, there are a limited number of properties available for sale within this area due to its high population density. Second, many residents have access to generous amounts of credit due to strong job prospects and low unemployment rates. Finally, property values within this area have increased faster than elsewhere in Ventura County over the past few years.

Despite these factors, it's important to keep in mind that not all areas within Moorpark are equally expensive. In fact, there are several neighborhoods within this area that are much cheaper than others. It's also worth noting that while prices have increased rapidly over recent years, they're still relatively affordable when compared to other areas across California and nationwide.

Price Index: Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA

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