Zip Code:

93203, Arvin, CA

93203 is a California Zip code within the city of Arvin and the county of Kern County. Its population is roughly 22,662.

The Real Estate Market in the 93203 Zip Code of Arvin, CA

The 93203 zip code of Arvin, CA is located in the Central Valley region of California. The population of this zip code was estimated to be around 10,000 in 2016. Home prices in this zip code have been increasing rapidly over the past few years, reaching a median sale price of $269,000 in 2017. This represents a 119% increase from the median sale price of $116,500 recorded in 2013.

One reason for the rapid increase in home prices in this zip code is that it is located near many major metropolitan areas such as Sacramento and Fresno. Additionally, Arvin has experienced strong job growth over the past few years which has led to increased demand for housing. In addition, there are limited available properties within this zip code which has also contributed to higher home prices.

Despite the high home prices in this zip code, there are still opportunities for buyers who are looking for affordable homes. For example, properties that are less than 5 years old typically have lower median sale prices than older homes. Additionally, properties that are located within walking distance to amenities such as grocery stores and schools tend to have lower median sale prices than those that are not close to these types of amenities.

Price Index: Bakersfield, CA

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