Zip Code:

93205, Bodfish, CA

93205 is a California Zip code within the city of Bodfish and the county of Kern County. Its population is roughly 2,030.

The Real Estate Market in the 93205 Zip Code of Bodfish, CA

The 93205 zip code of Bodfish, CA has a median home value of $269,000. The median home value in this zip code has increased by 10.5% since 2007. The increase in the median home value is due to an increase in both the number of homes and their values. In 2007 there were only 83 homes in this zip code, but as of 2016 there are 116 homes. This means that the average home value has increased by 12%.

The percentage of homes that are owner-occupied is higher than the percentage of homes that are rented. This is likely because it can be more expensive to buy a home than to rent one. The percentage of owner-occupied homes in this zip code is 66%, while the percentage of rented homes is 34%.

Home prices have been increasing faster in Bodfish than anywhere else in California over the past ten years. The average price for a single family home has increased by 16%, while the statewide average price for a single family home has increased by 9%.

There are many factors that contribute to increases or decreases in prices for houses, and it can be difficult to determine which factor(s) is/are responsible for changes in prices within a specific area or ZIP Code. Some possible reasons why prices have increased more rapidly within Bodfish include: an increase in demand due to an influx of new residents; low interest rates; limited supply (due to zoning restrictions or other factors); and improvements made to properties (such as new roofs, windows, etc.).

Price Index: Bakersfield, CA

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