Zip Code:

93240, Lake Isabella, CA

93240 is a California Zip code within the city of Lake Isabella and the county of Kern County. Its population is roughly 6,327.

The Real Estate Market in the 93240 Zip Code of Lake Isabella, CA

Lake Isabella, CA is located in the Inland Empire region of Southern California. The 93240 zip code covers a total area of 10.5 square miles and has a population of approximately 4,000 residents. Home prices in the 93240 zip code have increased significantly over the past few years, reaching an average price of $269,000 as of September 2017.

The majority of home buyers in the 93240 zip code are first-time homebuyers who are looking to purchase a starter home or an affordable property that they can upgrade later on. Many home buyers in this area are also attracted to Lake Isabella's close proximity to major metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles and Riverside County.

The following factors have contributed to the increase in home prices in the 93240 zip code:

1) Low interest rates – Since 2007, interest rates have been relatively low compared to other areas of the country, which has made it more affordable for people to borrow money for a down payment on a house.

2) Increased demand – There has been an increase in demand for homes in Lake Isabella due to its proximity to major metropolitan areas and its many amenities such as hiking trails and golf courses.

3) Limited supply – The number of homes available for sale has not kept up with the increasing demand, which has driven up prices considerably.

Price Index: Bakersfield, CA

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