Zip Code:

93271, Three Rivers, CA

93271 is a California Zip code within the city of Three Rivers and the county of Tulare County. Its population is roughly 2,479.

The Real Estate Market in the 93271 Zip Code of Three Rivers, CA

The 93271 zip code of Three Rivers, CA is located in the Central Valley and has a population of around 112,000. The median home value in this zip code is $248,000 which is about average for the Central Valley. Home equity in this zip code has been increasing steadily over the past few years and as of 2016, it was at an all-time high of $269,000. This indicates that there are a lot of people who are able to borrow against their homes to invest in other areas such as stocks or real estate.

One reason that home equity has been increasing so much in this zip code is because there has been a lot of development happening here. New businesses are opening up all the time and as a result, more people are moving into the area. Additionally, many people have been able to refinance their homes and get lower interest rates which has helped them to increase their home equity even more.

However, despite all these positive factors, there are also some risks associated with having a high level of home equity. If there were any major economic downturns in the area or if interest rates went up again, then many people could find themselves struggling to pay off their mortgages or loans on their homes. Additionally, if someone were to lose their job or suffer some other financial setback, they might not be able to afford to pay off their mortgage or loan on their home anymore.

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