Zip Code:

93441, Los Olivos, CA

93441 is a California Zip code within the city of Los Olivos and the county of Santa Barbara County. Its population is roughly 922.

The Real Estate Market in the 93441 Zip Code of Los Olivos, CA

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 93441 Zip Code of Los Olivos, CA

The 93441 zip code of Los Olivos, CA has a median home value of $827,000. This is a decrease from the previous year when the median home value was $865,000. The decrease in home values may be due to a number of factors including lower demand for homes in this area as well as stricter lending criteria by banks.

Despite the decrease in home values, there are still many homeowners who are benefiting from their equity in their homes. In fact, according to Zillow’s 2018 Home Value Report, over 60% of homeowners in this zip code have at least some equity in their homes. Additionally, over half (53%) of homeowners report that they plan on keeping their home for at least another five years.

While it is important to note that there has been a decrease in home values within this zip code recently, it is also important to keep in mind that there are still many homeowners who are benefiting from their equity and who plan on keeping their homes for an extended period of time.

Price Index: Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA

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