Zip Code:

93463, Solvang, CA

93463 is a California Zip code within the city of Solvang and the county of Santa Barbara County. Its population is roughly 7,911.

Real Estate in the Solvang, CA 93463 Zip Code

The Solvang home equity and home prices in the 93463 zip code are reflective of the overall market conditions in California. The median home value in this zip code is $1,085,000, which is above the statewide median of $895,000. However, this does not mean that all homes in this zip code are worth more than the statewide median. In fact, there are a number of homes in this zip code that are worth less than the statewide median. This indicates that there is a fair amount of competition for homes within this zip code and that buyers should be prepared to make a significant down payment on a home if they want to purchase one.

One reason why some homes within this zip code are worth less than the statewide median is because they are located in areas that have seen slower growth rates over the past few years. This means that there are fewer new homes being built within these neighborhoods and so existing homes tend to be more expensive than average. Additionally, many of these neighborhoods have high levels of homeownership which can lead to higher home values.

Price Index: Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA

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