Zip Code:

93501, Mojave, CA

93501 is a California Zip code within the city of Mojave and the county of Kern County. Its population is roughly 4,802.

Real Estate in the 93501 Zip Code of Mojave, CA

The 93501 zip code of Mojave, CA has a population of about 24,000 people. The median household income in the zip code is $81,000. The median home value in the zip code is $269,000.

There are a total of 8,811 homes in the 93501 zip code. The average home value in the zip code is $269,000. There are a total of 5,527 mortgages in the zip code with an average mortgage balance of $236,500. The percentage of mortgages that are delinquent is 2%.

The percentage of homes that are owner-occupied is 78%. The percentage of homes that are renter-occupied is 22%.

Price Index: Bakersfield, CA

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