Zip Code:

93529, June Lake, CA

93529 is a California Zip code within the city of June Lake and the county of Mono. Its population is roughly 390.

The Real Estate Market in the 93529 Zip Code of June Lake, CA

The June Lake zip code of 93529 has a median home value of $1,000,000. This is higher than the California median home value of $600,000. The June Lake zip code also has a high percentage of homes with equity (over 50%). This indicates that many homeowners in this area are able to use their home equity to finance other investments or pay down debt.

One reason for the high percentage of homes with equity may be the high level of home values in this area. The average home value in the June Lake zip code is over $1 million, which is higher than the California average of $700,000. Additionally, there are a number of luxury homes in this area that may contribute to the high level of equity.

Despite the high level of equity in this area, there are still some areas where homeowners may need to borrow money to purchase a home. For example, if someone wants to buy a house but does not have enough money saved up or does not have good credit history, they may need to borrow money from a lender. Additionally, if someone wants to buy a house but does not live in their current city or county and needs to move far away from family and friends, they may need to borrow money from a lender as well.

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