Zip Code:

93545, Lone Pine, CA

93545 is a California Zip code within the city of Lone Pine and the county of Inyo. Its population is roughly 1,821.

The Real Estate Market in the 93545 Zip Code of Lone Pine, CA

The Lone Pine, CA zip code 93545 has a population of just over 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is just over $100,000. This means that the home equity and home prices in this area are quite high.

According to Zillow, the median home value in the Lone Pine zip code is $527,500. This means that the average home value in this area is more than twice the median household income. In addition, Zillow reports that the average home value has increased by 7% since last year.

This high level of home equity and home prices can be attributed to several factors. First, Lone Pine is a relatively affluent area with a high median income. Second, there are relatively few homes for sale in this zip code which has led to increased demand and higher prices. Finally, there is little available inventory of homes for sale which has driven up prices even further.

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