Zip Code:

93606, Biola, CA

93606 is a California Zip code within the city of Biola and the county of Fresno County. Its population is roughly 1,035.

The Real Estate Market in the 93606 Zip Code of Biola, CA

The 93606 zip code of Biola, CA has a median home value of $272,000. This is higher than the California statewide median home value of $217,500. The 93606 zip code also has a lower than average unemployment rate of 4.5%. This indicates that there are more jobs in this area than people looking for jobs. Additionally, the percentage of families with children under 18 living in poverty is lower than the statewide percentage at 14%.

One factor that may contribute to these positive indicators is that the population in this zip code is older. The median age is 44 years old which is older than the statewide median age of 37 years old. Older adults are generally more likely to have stable employment and incomes and less likely to live in poverty.

Another contributing factor may be the high home equity values in this zip code. Home equity refers to the value of a homeowner's property minus their outstanding mortgage debt. In Biola, CA, 68% of homeowners have at least 50% equity in their homes which indicates that they have saved enough money to cover most or all of their mortgage debt. This high level of home equity may help protect homeowners from losing their homes if they lose their jobs or if they can't afford to make payments on their mortgages.

Price Index: Fresno, CA

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