Zip Code:

93615, Cutler, CA

93615 is a California Zip code within the city of Cutler and the county of Tulare County. Its population is roughly 6,347.

The Real Estate Market in the 93615 Zip Code of Cutler, CA

The Cutler, CA 93615 zip code has a population of approximately 10,000 people. The median household income in the zip code is $60,000. The median home value in the zip code is $230,000.

There are a total of 1,851 homes for sale in the Cutler, CA 93615 zip code. There are 1,527 single family homes and 237 condos for sale in the zip code. The average list price for a single family home in the Cutler, CA 93615 zip code is $269,500 and the average condo list price is $142,500.

The number of homes that are available for purchase in the Cutler, CA 93615 zip code has decreased over the past year. There were 2,052 homes available for purchase in 2017 compared to 1,527 homes available for purchase in 2018. This decrease can be attributed to several factors including an increase in inventory and a decrease in demand due to low interest rates.

Price Index: Visalia, CA

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