Zip Code:

93656, Riverdale, CA

93656 is a California Zip code within the city of Riverdale and the county of Fresno County. Its population is roughly 5,806.

The Real Estate Market in the 93656 Zip Code of Riverdale, CA

The Riverdale zip code 93656 has a population of around 27,000 people and an average home value of $527,000. The home equity in this zip code is around $181,000. This means that the majority of residents in this zip code have a significant amount of equity in their homes.

One reason for this high level of equity may be the low rate of foreclosure activity in this area. In fact, only 2% of homes in the Riverdale zip code are currently listed for sale and just 1% are currently for sale at a price below what was paid for it. This indicates that most residents here are confident in their ability to maintain their homes and keep them within their budget.

Another factor that may contribute to the high level of home equity in the Riverdale zip code is the relatively low number of households that owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth. Only 5% of households here owe more on their mortgage than their home is worth, which is much lower than the national average of 17%. This suggests that most residents here have taken steps to protect themselves from potential financial hardship by making sure they have enough equity in their homes to cover any potential losses.

Price Index: Fresno, CA

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