Zip Code:

93962, Spreckels, CA

93962 is a California Zip code within the city of Spreckels and the county of Monterey County. Its population is roughly 414.

The Real Estate Market in the 93962 Zip Code of Spreckels, CA

The zip code 93962 has a population of around 103,000 people and is located in the Central Valley region of California. Home prices in this zip code have been increasing steadily over the past few years, reaching a peak of $469,000 in 2016. However, since then they have slowly declined and are now estimated to be around $410,000. This suggests that there is still potential for home prices to increase further in this area.

One reason for the recent increase in home prices in this zip code may be due to the strong economy and low unemployment rates. In addition, many people are choosing to buy homes rather than rent them, which may also contribute to the rise in prices. Additionally, there is a lot of demand for housing due to population growth and increased interest rates.

However, despite these positive factors, there are some risks that could lead to a decrease in home values in this area. For example, if interest rates start rising again or if the economy weakens then more people may decide to sell their homes instead of buying them. Additionally, although Spreckels is generally considered a desirable location to live in it can also be affected by crime rates and other local issues. Therefore it is important for buyers and sellers alike to do their research before making any decisions about purchasing or selling a home here

Price Index: Salinas, CA

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