Zip Code:

94027, Atherton, CA

94027 is a California Zip code within the city of Atherton and the county of San Mateo County. Its population is roughly 7,415.

The Real Estate Market in the Atherton, CA 94027 Zip Code

There is no doubt that the Atherton zip code of 94027 is one of the most affluent in California. The median home value in this area is over $2 million, and there are an estimated 1,000 homes worth over $5 million. In addition, the average home equity in this area is over $1 million.

This high level of wealth has led to a number of interesting trends in the 94027 zip code. For example, there is a significant concentration of millionaire households in this area. In fact, almost half (47%) of all households in this zip code are worth over $1 million. Additionally, there are a large number of luxury homes available for sale in the 94027 zip code. As a result, it can be difficult to find a house that isn't worth at least $2 million.

Despite these high levels of wealth, there have been some challenges associated with living in the 94027 zip code. For example, there has been an increase in crime rates over the past few years. This increase has been particularly noticeable in areas near wealthy neighborhoods such as Atherton Village and Greenmeadow Park. Additionally, prices for housing have continued to rise even though wages have not kept up with inflation rates. This has led to widespread speculation among buyers and sellers alike, which has caused prices to spike erratically throughout the market place.

Price Index: San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood City, CA (MSAD)

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