Zip Code:

94517, Clayton, CA

94517 is a California Zip code within the city of Clayton and the county of Contra Costa County. Its population is roughly 13,687.

The Real Estate Market in the 94517 Zip Code of Clayton, CA

The Clayton zip code (94517) has a population of around 101,000 people and an average home value of $269,000. Home equity is a big part of the American Dream, and for many people in the 94517 zip code, their home equity is their biggest asset.

Home equity is important because it allows homeowners to borrow money against their homes to finance things like renovations or new purchases. In addition, homeowners can use their home equity to pay off other debts such as credit cards or student loans. Homeowners in the 94517 zip code who have plenty of home equity are likely to be very financially secure.

However, there are also risks associated with having a lot of home equity. If the market for homes in the 94517 zip code goes down significantly, then homeowners may find themselves unable to sell their homes or repay any of their debts. Additionally, if someone in the 94517 zip code loses their job or experiences some other financial hardship, they may not be able to afford to repay all of their debts at once and could end up losing a significant amount of home equity.

Price Index: Oakland-Berkeley-Livermore, CA (MSAD)

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