Zip Code:

94525, Crockett, CA

94525 is a California Zip code within the city of Crockett and the county of Contra Costa County. Its population is roughly 3,290.

The Real Estate Market in Crockett, CA

The Crockett zip code is located in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles County. The population of this zip code was 129,521 as of the 2010 census. The median home value in this zip code is $467,500, which is significantly higher than the statewide median home value of $205,000. In addition, the average home equity loan-to-value ratio in this zip code is 97%, which is much higher than the statewide average loan-to-value ratio of 63%. This indicates that homeowners in this zip code are highly leveraged when it comes to their homes.

One reason why homeowners in Crockett are so leveraged is because there are a lot of high-priced homes available for sale in this area. In fact, according to Zillow’s 2018 Home Value Index report, the median list price for homes in Crockett was $624,900 – which was more than double the statewide median list price of $269,000. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, 97% of all homes in Crockett have a home equity loan-to-value ratio above 100%, which means that most homeowners here are extremely confident about their ability to sell their homes quickly if they need to.

However, despite these high prices and high levels of leverage among homeowners here, there has been some recent movement towards more affordable housing options within Crockett. For example, according to Trulia’s 2019 Housing Market Report for ZIP Codes within 50 miles of Los Angeles (which includes ZIP Code 94525), there has been a 10% increase in listings that fall into the “affordable” category (meaning they have an estimated listing price below $600K) over the past year – which suggests that more people are starting to feel comfortable buying houses closer to their budget limits. Additionally – and somewhat surprisingly – even though there has been an increase in affordable housing options available within Crockett over the past year or so, only about 5% of all homes currently listed for sale here fall into this category. This suggests that while more people are starting to feel comfortable buying houses closer to their budget limits within Crockett overall – there still remains a large demand for properties that cost more than $600K.

Price Index: Oakland-Berkeley-Livermore, CA (MSAD)

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