Zip Code:

94559, Napa, CA

94559 is a California Zip code within the city of Napa and the county of Napa County. Its population is roughly 27,593.

The Real Estate Market in Napa, CA

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 94559 Zip Code of Napa, CA

There is no doubt that home equity is one of the most important assets a person can have. Not only does it provide a cushion against unexpected financial setbacks, but it also provides an important source of retirement income. In addition, home equity can be used to purchase other assets, such as cars or boats.

According to Zillow, the median home value in the 94559 zip code of Napa was $1,039,200 as of September 2017. This figure has increased by 8.5% over the past year and is currently above the statewide median home value of $1,020,000. Additionally, Zillow reports that the average home value in Napa County was $1,248,600 as of September 2017. This figure is well above the statewide average of $946,100 and represents a growth rate of 10%.

Given these impressive figures it should come as no surprise that homeownership rates in Napa are among the highest in California. As of 2016 there were 97% homeowners within this zip code compared to an overall statewide rate of 73%. Additionally, according to Trulia data from January 2018 there were an estimated 97 active listings within this zip code which indicates that demand for housing remains high.

Price Index: Napa, CA

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