Zip Code:

94566, Pleasanton, CA

94566 is a California Zip code within the city of Pleasanton and the county of Alameda County. Its population is roughly 45,893.

The Real Estate Market in the 94566 Zip Code of Pleasanton, CA

The Pleasanton zip code 94566 has a population of around 209,000 people and is located in Contra Costa County. The median home value in the zip code is $1,078,000 which is above the national median home value of $181,500. The percentage of homes that are owner-occupied in the zip code is around 69% while the percentage of homes that are rented is around 31%.

There are a total of 116 properties listed for sale in the Pleasanton zip code as of May 2019. The average list price for these properties is $1,527,000 which is above the national average list price of $1,190,000. The number of properties that have been sold in the Pleasanton zip code so far this year is 29% compared to the same period last year which indicates that there may be some interest in purchasing homes in this area.

Price Index: Oakland-Berkeley-Livermore, CA (MSAD)

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