Zip Code:
94603 is a California Zip code within the city of Oakland and the county of Alameda County. Its population is roughly 35,862.
The 94603 zip code of Oakland, California has a median home value of $438,000 and a median home equity value of $236,000. The average home price in the 94603 zip code has increased by 9.4% over the past year and is projected to increase by an additional 7.5% in the next year. This growth is due to increasing demand for housing in Oakland as well as strong economic conditions nationwide.
The 94603 zip code is located in East Oakland and includes areas such as Fruitvale, Temescal, Rockridge, and Claremont. The area has a population of about 210,000 people and a median age of 34 years old. About 54% of residents are homeowners while 46% are renters. The majority (79%) of residents have at least some college education which is higher than the national average (64%).
There are many factors that contribute to the high home values in the 94603 zip code including:
-Strong economic conditions nationwide
-High demand for housing in Oakland
-Low interest rates
-Low unemployment rates
-High levels of education among residents
-Good access to transportation
Price Index: Oakland-Berkeley-Livermore, CA (MSAD)
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
94577 | 47,682 | 2,259.5 | America/Los_Angeles | 37.71543 | -122.16628 | San Leandro | Alameda County | California |
94605 | 43,399 | 1,871 | America/Los_Angeles | 37.76040 | -122.14834 | Oakland | Alameda County | California |
94621 | 35,035 | 1,739.8 | America/Los_Angeles | 37.73880 | -122.20814 | Oakland | Alameda County | California |