Zip Code:

94923, Bodega Bay, CA

94923 is a California Zip code within the city of Bodega Bay and the county of Sonoma County. Its population is roughly 808.

The Real Estate Market in the 94923 Zip Code of Bodega Bay, CA

The 94923 zip code of Bodega Bay, CA has a median home value of $1,058,000 and a median home equity value of $527,000. These values are significantly higher than the statewide median home value of $478,500 and statewide median home equity value of $297,500. The high home values in the 94923 zip code may be attributable to the many affluent residents who live in this area. Additionally, the area is located within close proximity to several major metropolitan areas such as San Francisco and Sacramento which may also contribute to the high values.

Despite the high home values in the 94923 zip code, there is evidence that prices are beginning to decline. Between January 2016 and January 2017 alone, prices decreased by 2.7%. This suggests that there may be potential for further price decreases in this area over time if current trends continue.

Price Index: Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA

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