Zip Code:

94957, Ross, CA

94957 is a California Zip code within the city of Ross and the county of Marin County. Its population is roughly 1,219.

The Real Estate Market in the Ross 94957 Zip Code

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 94957 Zip Code of Ross, CA

When it comes to home equity and home prices, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, when looking at the 94957 zip code of Ross, CA, it is important to keep in mind a few key factors. For starters, this area has a high percentage of single family homes. This means that there are a lot of opportunities for buyers who want to invest in their own home rather than renting. Additionally, the median price for homes in this zip code is $527,000 - which is above the California median price of $478,500. Finally, homeownership rates in this area are high - at almost 96%. This means that there are plenty of people who are able to take advantage of rising home prices and increase their equity over time.

Price Index: San Rafael, CA (MSAD)

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