Zip Code:

95018, Felton, CA

95018 is a California Zip code within the city of Felton and the county of Santa Cruz County. Its population is roughly 6,841.

Real Estate in the 95018 Zip Code of Felton, CA

The 95018 zip code of Felton, CA has a median home value of $245,000. The 95018 zip code has a median home equity value of $128,000. The 95018 zip code has a median household income of $60,000.

There are a total of 1,814 homes in the 95018 zip code. There are 581 single family homes and 939 multi-family homes in the 95018 zip code. There are also 191 condos and 153 townhouses in the 95018 zip code. The majority (1,521) of the homes in the 95018 zip code are owner-occupied while there are only 116 rentals in the 95018 zipcode.

The average age of a home in the 95018 zip code is about 36 years old which is older than most other ZIP codes in California. This older age may be due to the fact that Felton was founded as a mining town and many of its residents have been here for generations. Another factor that may contribute to this older age is that Felton is located close to wine country which may lead some people to buy homes here instead of moving into newer neighborhoods where prices might be higher.

Price Index: Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA

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