Zip Code:

95045, San Juan Bautista, CA

95045 is a California Zip code within the city of San Juan Bautista and the county of San Benito County. Its population is roughly 4,217.

The Real Estate Market in the 95045 Zip Code of San Juan Bautista, CA

The 95045 zip code of San Juan Bautista, CA has a median home value of $269,000 and a median home equity value of $144,000. The 95045 zip code has a population of approximately 10,000 people.

There are many factors that affect the home equity and home prices in the 95045 zip code. Some of the factors that influence these values include: local market conditions (e.g., demand for homes, interest rates), local government regulations (e.g., zoning laws), and household income levels.

Overall, the 95045 zip code is experiencing moderate growth in both its home equity and home prices. This trend is likely to continue over the next few years as more people move into this area and invest in homes here.

Price Index: San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA

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