Zip Code:

95116, San Jose, CA

95116 is a California Zip code within the city of San Jose and the county of Santa Clara County. Its population is roughly 55,825.

The Real Estate Market in the 95116 Zip Code of San Jose, CA

The 95116 zip code of San Jose, CA has a median home value of $1,085,000. The 95116 zip code is located in the South Bay region of the Bay Area and has a population of over 1 million people. The 95116 zip code has a high home equity rate compared to other areas in the Bay Area.

There are many factors that contribute to the high home equity rate in the 95116 zip code. One reason is that there are many affluent residents in this area who can afford to buy homes at a high price. Additionally, there is a large number of luxury homes available in this area which also contributes to the high home equity rate. Finally, the market conditions for housing in San Jose are very favorable right now which also contributes to the high home equity rate.

Price Index: San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA

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