Zip Code:

95120, San Jose, CA

95120 is a California Zip code within the city of San Jose and the county of Santa Clara County. Its population is roughly 38,122.

The Real Estate Market in the 95120 Zip Code of San Jose, CA

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 95120 Zip Code of San Jose, CA

The 95120 zip code of San Jose, CA has a median home value of $1,047,000. This is higher than the California median home value of $717,500. The 95120 zip code also has a higher than average percentage of homes with equity (77%). This is likely due to the high demand for housing in this area and the low number of available homes for sale.

The average home price in the 95120 zip code increased by 7% from 2016 to 2017. This was slower than the national increase of 9%. However, this may be partially due to stricter lending criteria implemented by some banks in recent years.

There are currently 553 homes for sale in the 95120 zip code. This is lower than the California statewide average of 693 homes for sale and below the national average of 817 homes for sale. The lack of available homes may contribute to higher prices in this area.

Home prices are likely to continue increasing in the 95120 zip code as long as there is strong demand and limited supply.

Price Index: San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA

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