Zip Code:

95129, San Jose, CA

95129 is a California Zip code within the city of San Jose and the county of Santa Clara County. Its population is roughly 39,741.

The Real Estate Market in the 95129 Zip Code of San Jose, CA

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 95129 Zip Code of San Jose, CA

The 95129 zip code of San Jose, CA has a median home value of $527,000. This is significantly higher than the statewide median home value of $200,000. The 95129 zip code also has a high rate of home equity ownership- nearly 60% of households in this zip code have at least some equity in their homes. This high level of equity ownership is likely due to the high levels of home values and homeownership in this area.

Despite the high levels of home equity and homeownership, there are still many households in the 95129 zip code that are struggling to afford their homes. Nearly 20% of households in this zip code are living below the poverty line, which is significantly higher than the statewide poverty rate of 11%. These high levels of poverty may be due to low incomes or inadequate housing options in this area.

Overall, it appears that homeownership and home equity are strong assets for residents in the 95129 zip code. However, there are still many households that struggle to afford their homes.

Price Index: San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA

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