Zip Code:

95254, Wallace, CA

95254 is a California Zip code within the city of Wallace and the county of Calaveras. Its population is roughly 1,035.

The Real Estate Market in the 95254 Zip Code of Wallace, CA

Wallace, California is located in the Central Valley and has a population of around 22,000. The 95254 zip code has a median home value of $241,500 and a median household income of $72,000. Home equity is important to many people in Wallace because it allows them to use their home as collateral for loans or to invest in other assets.

The average home value in the 95254 zip code increased by 8% from 2016 to 2017. This was largely due to an increase in prices in the luxury segment of the market. In addition, there was an increase in demand for homes due to low interest rates and strong economic growth. The average price per square foot increased by 7% during this time period.

The 95254 zip code has a relatively low rate of homeownership compared to other areas of the country. This is likely due to high rates of unemployment and poverty in Wallace. Approximately 60% of households in the 95254 zip code own their homes, which is below the national average of 66%.

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