Zip Code:

95311, Coulterville, CA

95311 is a California Zip code within the city of Coulterville and the county of Mariposa. Its population is roughly 1,893.

The Real Estate Market in the 95311 Zip Code of Coulterville, CA

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 95311 Zip Code of Coulterville, CA

There is no doubt that home equity is one of the most important assets a person can have. It gives people the ability to use their home as a place to live, store their belongings, and generate income. In addition, home equity can be used to finance other investments or help pay off debt.

According to Zillow, the median home value in the 95311 zip code of Coulterville was $183,200 in January 2018. This represents a 0.5% increase from $182,600 in January 2017. The average price per square foot was $123 in January 2018 which is also up from $122 per square foot in January 2017.

It’s important to keep in mind that these are just averages and there will be significant variation across zip codes within California and even within individual counties. That being said, it’s clear that prices are continuing to rise in this area and there appears to be plenty of potential for further growth over the next few years.

If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home in the 95311 zip code of Coulterville, it would definitely behoove you to consult with an experienced real estate agent who can help you assess your specific situation and make sure you get the best possible deal on your property.

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