Zip Code:

95329, La Grange, CA

95329 is a California Zip code within the city of La Grange and the county of Tuolumne County. Its population is roughly 2,570.

The Real Estate Market in La Grange, CA

The La Grange home equity and home prices are reflective of the overall market conditions in the zip code. The median home value in La Grange is $269,000, which is lower than the statewide median of $478,000. However, this does not mean that there are not opportunities for homeowners in La Grange. The average home size in La Grange is 2,814 square feet, which is larger than the statewide average of 2,552 square feet. Additionally, La Grange has a low rate of foreclosure (1%) compared to other zip codes in California.

Despite these positive indicators, there are still some challenges that homeowners in La Grange face when it comes to buying or selling their homes. One issue that often arises is a lack of inventory available for purchase or sale. This can lead to high prices and long wait times for buyers or sellers. Another challenge that often arises is a lack of financing options available for homeowners who want to buy or sell their homes. This can make it difficult for homeowners to get approved for a loan and can lead to higher costs associated with purchasing or selling a home.

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