Zip Code:

95333, Le Grand, CA

95333 is a California Zip code within the city of Le Grand and the county of Merced County. Its population is roughly 2,539.

The Real Estate Market in Le Grand, CA

The 95333 zip code of Le Grand, CA has a population of about 5,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is about $60,000. The median home value in this zip code is about $230,000.

There are a lot of factors that affect the home equity and home prices in any given area. Some of the factors that can affect home equity and home prices include interest rates, inflation rates, market trends, and local government policies.

One thing that is definitely affecting the home equity and home prices in the 95333 zip code of Le Grand, CA right now is the fact that interest rates are very low. This means that people who want to borrow money to buy a house are getting very favorable terms from lenders. In addition, there has been a lot of buying activity in this area recently because there are some really good deals available on homes right now.

Another factor that affects the home equity and home prices in any given area is market trends. If there is a lot of demand for homes in an area, then the price for homes will be higher than if there isn't a lot of demand for homes. Right now, there seems to be a lot of demand for homes in the 95333 zip code of Le Grand, CA so the price for homes has been going up fairly rapidly over recent months.

Price Index: Merced, CA

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