Zip Code:

95374, Stevinson, CA

95374 is a California Zip code within the city of Stevinson and the county of Merced County. Its population is roughly 1,682.

Stevinson, CA: A Community of Opportunity

Stevinson, CA is located in the 95374 zip code. The 95374 zip code has a population of about 10,000 people. The median household income in the 95374 zip code is $89,000. The median home value in the 95374 zip code is $255,000.

The average home equity and home prices in the 95374 zip code are both high. In fact, according to Zillow, the average home equity and home prices in the 95374 zip code are both among the highest in California. This high level of home equity and home prices may be due to several factors. For example, Stevinson is located near many affluent areas of Los Angeles County, which may contribute to high levels of home equity and home prices. Additionally, Stevinson is a relatively new community development area (CDA), which may also contribute to high levels of home equity and home prices. Finally, Stevinson has been experiencing strong growth over the past few years; this growth may also contribute to high levels of home equity and home prices.

Despite these high levels ofhome equity andhome prices, there are some risks associated with owning ahome inthe95374zipcode. For example,, if interest rates rise or ifthe housing market crashes,. Additionally,, since Stevinson is a new CDA,. Finally,, since there are limited inventory options available for homesin Stevinson,.

Price Index: Merced, CA

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