Zip Code:

95388, Winton, CA

95388 is a California Zip code within the city of Winton and the county of Merced County. Its population is roughly 14,116.

The Real Estate Market in the 95388 Zip Code of Winton, CA

The 95388 zip code of Winton, CA has a median home value of $269,000 and a median home equity value of $153,000. The 95388 zip code has a population of 3,811 and an average household size of 2.53 people. The 95388 zip code has a percentage of homeownership at 66%.

The 95388 zip code is located in the Inland Empire region of Southern California. The Inland Empire is one of the most diverse regions in the United States with over 250 different ethnicities represented. This diversity contributes to the high home values in the 95388 zip code. Home values in this region have increased significantly over the past few years due to strong demand from buyers and limited supply.

The majority (66%) of homeowners in the 95388 zip code own their homes outright while 34% are mortgage holders. There is a large variety of mortgage types available in this area which reflects the high demand for housing stock. Approximately half (51%)of all households in the 95 388 zip code have children under 18 living with them, which is higher than average for this region. This indicates that there is strong demand for housing stock among families with children.

The average household size in the 95 388 zip code is 2.53 people which is lower than average for this region but still above national averages. This indicates that there are plenty of homes available for purchase even at lower prices relative to other areas within Southern California. Additionally, there are relatively few multi-unit dwellings present within the 95 388 zipcode which suggests that buyers are generally able to find single-family homes they can afford without having to compete with multiple offers or deal with complex negotiations process

Price Index: Merced, CA

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