Zip Code:

95444, Graton, CA

95444 is a California Zip code within the city of Graton and the county of Sonoma County. Its population is roughly 705.

The Real Estate Market in the 95444 Zip Code of Graton, CA

The 95444 zip code of Graton, CA has a median home value of $475,000. The home equity in this zip code is $191,000. This means that the homeowners in this zip code have a net worth of $314,000 and the home prices have increased by 10% since 2007.

The 95444 zip code is located in Sonoma County and has a population of about 2,500 people. The average age of the residents in this zip code is about 44 years old. About 60% of the residents are married and 40% are single. The median income for residents in this zip code is about $100,000 per year.

The homeownership rate for residents in the 95444 zip code is about 88%. This means that there are more than 8 out of 10 households who own their homes outright or who have a mortgage that does not require payments for at least 20 years. About 12% of the households in this zipcode have a loan that requires monthly payments and 5% have a loan that requires weekly payments.

Price Index: Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA

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