Zip Code:

95459, Manchester, CA

95459 is a California Zip code within the city of Manchester and the county of Mendocino County. Its population is roughly 641.

The Real Estate Market in the 95459 Zip Code of Manchester, CA

Manchester, California is located in the eastern part of the state and has a population of around 102,000 people. The 95459 zip code covers a total area of about 2.5 square miles and has a median home value of $368,000. The average home value in this zip code increased by about 9% from 2007 to 2016.

The majority of homes in this zip code are owner-occupied and there are also a few rental properties available. Manchester is generally considered to be an affluent community with a high level of education and income levels. This is reflected in the high home values and the fact that there are relatively few homes for sale compared to other zip codes in California.

One reason for the high home values in Manchester may be due to its proximity to major cities such as San Francisco (about 30 minutes away) and Sacramento (about 45 minutes away). Additionally, Manchester has excellent public schools and plenty of amenities such as shopping, restaurants, and entertainment options.

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