Zip Code:

95464, Nice, CA

95464 is a California Zip code within the city of Nice and the county of Lake County. Its population is roughly 2,505.

The Real Estate Market in the 95464 Zip Code of Nice, CA

The zip code 95464 has a population of around 102,000 people and is located in the San Francisco Bay Area. The median home value in this zip code is $1,085,000 which is significantly higher than the national median home value of $181,500. This high home value can be attributed to the large number of affluent residents in this area as well as the strong economy. Additionally, there are a number of luxury homes available for sale in this zip code which also contributes to the high home values.

Despite the high home values, there are still a number of homeowners who are struggling to pay their mortgages in full. This is likely due to the strong economy and increasing wages which have led to increased mortgage payments for many people. Additionally, some homeowners may have taken out loans that they cannot afford to repay. If you are considering buying or selling a home in this zip code, it is important to consult with a qualified real estate agent who can help you understand your options and make sure that you are getting an accurate estimate of your potential mortgage payment.

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