Zip Code:

95470, Redwood Valley, CA

95470 is a California Zip code within the city of Redwood Valley and the county of Mendocino County. Its population is roughly 5,561.

The Real Estate Market in the 95470 Zip Code of Redwood Valley, CA

The home equity and home prices in the 95470 zip code of Redwood Valley, CA are very high. According to Zillow, the median home value in this zip code is $1,099,000. This is a far cry from the median home value of $236,500 that was reported for all of Marin County in 2016. The high home values can be attributed to a number of factors, including the strong economy and low interest rates.

Another contributing factor to the high home values in this zip code is the availability of homes for sale. There are currently 97 homes for sale in this zip code, which is more than any other zip code in Marin County. This abundance of available homes has driven up prices and led to a shortage of available homes for purchase. As a result, buyers who want to purchase a home in this zip code must compete with those who want to buy a home elsewhere in Marin County or even throughout California.

Despite the high prices and limited availability of homes for sale, there are still some good options available for buyers who are interested in purchasing a home in this zip code. For example, there are 29 single-family detached homes on the market that have been listed at an average price of $1 million or more. Additionally, there are 10 condos that have been listed at an average price of $895K or more. These high prices reflect not only the availability of expensive properties but also the fact that many buyers who are interested in purchasing a home here prefer larger properties that come with more amenities and space than what is typically available on smaller lots near urban areas.

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