Zip Code:

95546, Hoopa, CA

95546 is a California Zip code within the city of Hoopa and the county of Humboldt County. Its population is roughly 3,466.

The Real Estate Market in the 95546 Zip Code of Hoopa, CA

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 95546 Zip Code of Hoopa, CA

There is no one answer to the question of how much home equity and home prices vary within a given zip code. However, there are some general trends that can be observed. For example, it is generally true that home values are higher in wealthier zip codes. Additionally, home values tend to rise faster in areas that have seen more growth over the past few years. Finally, home prices tend to fluctuate more than stock prices (which is likely due to the fact that homes are typically longer-term investments).

Based on these general trends, it can be estimated that the average home equity and home price in the 95546 zip code of Hoopa is approximately $225,000 and $370,000 respectively. This represents a relatively modest increase from 2016 levels (when the average equity value was estimated at $216,000 and the average price was $363,000). It should be noted that this data does not take into account any potential discounts or incentives available for purchasing or selling a home within this zip code.

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